Monday, August 21, 2017

Weekend Project

How is it Monday already?! I always have so much planned for the weekend but may get about half done.  Oh well!  We did get a ton done, like new landscaping, some decals and signs made but probably my favorite rehab project was this chair!

We have had these chairs for..ehhh maybe four years!! Half of the time they were sitting in my parents basement because at our old house there wasn't room for them, and the other half has been in our closet with a pile full of my clothes.  Poor little chairs! 

So FINALLY I decided, I have GOT to do something with these! I'm all about white and bright so painting them white was a no brainer.  We had some white paint left in the basement from those night stands and other projects, but I wasn't really feeling that paint.  So I sucked it up and got chalk paint.  Valspar chalk paint is so expensive and definitely more than I was wanting to definitely works great and does it's job but daaaaanng. I'll be doing my research to find a cheaper brand, if you have any favs, hollaaa!

To get started I (really my lovely mother..thanks Uma!) tapped off the fabric of the chair, I gently sanded the arms and legs down, wiped it clean, and went to town! 

(Excuse these red walls..that's another project on the to-do list!)

This chair took three coats of paint.  This paint dries super fast, but to make sure it's completely dried, I waited a few hours in between just to be on the safe side. 

Let's talk about that green's definitely less than ideal for the style we have going on in our house.  However, I'd much rather spend our money on other renovations and projects than to get the chair recovered. Luckily I had some fabric I was planning on making pillows with on hand and it works PERFECTLY for covering the green! Folded it, stuffed it, smoothed it out...walllaaa! 

I'm not sure how many times my dad and hubby both said they were throwing these beauties out...they've never saw my vision for them.  I'm SOOOO glad I was able to freshen these up and give them back some life!!  

This little nook in our dining room will definitely be put to great use for morning coffee, evening glass of wine and a some little story time with sweet little girl.



Have a great week y'all!

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